

Providing large commercial and industrial customers the option of fulfilling up to 100 percent of their electricity needs with low-cost utility-scale renewable energy resources.

Our renewable advantage

Renewable energy sources

We are transitioning to a cleaner energy future through the addition of low or zero-carbon generation sources, and fossil fuel retirements or conversions. Since 2005, we have made strides in building a modernized generation fleet comprised of additional renewable energy and natural gas turbines, while meeting our customers’ needs for reliable energy.

In the last decade, we retired four aged coal plants, high-intensity carbon energy sources, and replaced them with more efficient and cleaner power plants. We also added 289 MW of renewable energy. Our Pueblo Airport Generation and Cheyenne Prairie natural gas power plants added 550 MW of natural gas capacity to our system, which includes 60 MW from heat recovery systems. These efficient heat recovery systems use the exhaust gases from the gas turbines to convert water into steam and drive a steam turbine, generating clean electricity.

Our preferred resource plans in South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado plan to add over 520 MW of renewable energy and battery storage by 2030. This is in addition to the 80 MW Fall River purchased power agreement solar project and the 106 MW purchased power agreement wind project in Wyoming in 2023. We will be positioned to achieve our GHG reduction goals, without reliance on future technologies, through the conversion of Neil Simpson II coal plant to include natural gas as a dual fuel unit, conversion or retirement of our remaining coal and diesel power plants and added renewable energy resources and storage.

Wind and solar energy
Leading renewables


We have 150 MW of installed wind energy capacity at our Busch Ranch, Busch Ranch II and Peak View wind facilities in Southern Colorado. The renewable energy on our Colorado system will help meet the City of Pueblo’s stated intention of providing its citizens more energy from renewable generating resources and achieve the policy objectives of Colorado's Renewable Energy Standard - a state mandate calling for 30 percent of customers' electricity consumption to come from renewable energy resources by 2020.

Advancing clean energy

For over a decade, we have been modernizing our electric system and growing our renewable energy portfolio to build one of the newest and cleanest energy grids in Colorado.  Our customers value renewable energy, and we are proud our energy supply is one of the cleanest in the state, powered 100 percent by natural gas and renewable energy.

Wind energy
Leading renewables


We have 186 MW of wind energy on our Wyoming system.  This includes 166 MW of contracted energy from third party owned facilities and 20 MW of wind energy from Wyoming's share of the 52.5 MW Corriedale partnership with our South Dakota electric utility.

Renewable Ready

Our Renewable Ready program in Wyoming was created specifically to provide large commercial and industrial customers the option of fulfilling up to 100 percent of their electricity needs with low-cost utility-scale renewable energy resources direct from Black Hills Energy. In addition to this program, we are committed to finding renewable energy solutions for our largest customers, whether that would be through expanding our Renewable Ready program, securing renewable energy from third parties or acquiring renewable energy credits on their behalf.

Wind energy
Renewable Ready

Leveraging Wyoming’s abundant natural resources to power your data center

For generations the state of Wyoming, with its rich natural resources, has had a strong connection to energy. Around here, we know what it’s like to have families, businesses and communities throughout the nation depend on us for safe, reliable and affordable energy.

When you take abundant natural resources and add a deep bench of energy expertise, you get the kind of solutions that help everyone succeed.

At Black Hills Energy, our modern coal plants, state-of-the-art natural gas-fired generating station and wind energy projects create industry-leading electric service reliability at a price point that is extremely attractive for our largest customers and data centers.